
Memento Mori

When I was growing up, I did the same thing every time I went to my paternal grandparents’ house. First, I’d remove my shoes in “the kids’ room” that my sisters, cousins, and I all grew up sleeping in whenever we were visiting. Next, I’d go to my grandmother and grandfather’s bedroom to say hello. If they weren’t there, I’d check the dining room, kitchen, and family room (in that order.) We’d hug, and they’d make a big deal about the fact that one of their grandchildren had finally arrived. Sometimes they’d ask me to get the mail or grab…
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To Break Your Teeth On Love

As I've gotten older, I've learned to visualize love in a very specific way. It's an ocean. Black as onyx, turbulent and capricious, it's a Herculean task to navigate. But, if you're lucky, the sea glitters. My first lighthouse made me glow for five years. I met the second at a party and, despite all logic, experienced love at first sight. The third, and most recent, was the first to break my heart. These three towers have withstood the test of time, acting as the yardstick by which every other relationship is measured. Not in the sense that a new…
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car· di· o· meg· a· ly

I’m a pretty emotional person and as a general rule, my reflex is to rebel against the stoicism that men are told to embrace. I pride myself on the high level of empathy I exhibit, and think that this correlates with emotional intelligence as an invaluable resource. Finding ways to validate others, to make them feel seen and heard, is something I strive for in every arena. Still, it came as such a natural inclination, that I always assumed that would be enough. The people I've allowed in my life are easy to adore. Up until recently, despite the normal…
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